Family guy - Consuela bot User Guide

By: Kevin Law Since: Feb 2020

Table of content

  1. Introduction
  2. Features
  3. Adding Todo task
    1. Adding Event task
    2. Adding Deadline task
    3. List all tasks
    4. Mark task(s) as done
    5. Delete task(s)
    6. Clear all tasks
    7. Exit the program
  4. Acknowledgements


Family Guy - Consuela chat bot is a friendly bot to handle tasks using Command Line input. Consuela can help track and organise your tasks so that you would not need to!

She can be a little bit rude but she is efficient! Try it out for yourself!


These are features that Consuela will understand and help you out!

Command format

Adding Todo task

Consuela will add a given todo task that requires no date and will be categorised as a todo in your list of tasks.

Example: todo Refill Water Bottle

Expected outcome: outcome1

Adding Event task

Consuela will add a given event task that requires a date and will be categorised as an event in your list of tasks.

Format : event TASK_DESCRIPTION /at [Date YYYY-MM-DD]
Example: event Singapore Night Festival /at 2020-08-01

Expected outcome: outcome2

Adding Deadline task

Consuela will add a given deadline task that requires a date and will be categorised as a deadline in your list of tasks.

Format : deadline TASK_DESCRIPTION /by [Date YYYY-MM-DD]
Example: deadline Submit Assignment /by 2020-08-01

Expected outcome: outcome3

List all tasks

Consuela will list down all the tasks in your list of tasks.

Format : list
As you wish, Master. Below are your task(s),
1.[E][Y] Night Festival (at: Mar 7 2020)
2.[T][Y] Do Laundry

Expected outcome:

Mark task(s) as done

Consuela allows you to change the status of task(s) to done.

Format : done [TASK_NUMBER][Space][TASK_NUMBER]..
Example: done 2 4

Expected outcome:

Delete task(s)

Consuela allows you to delete task(s) from your list of tasks.

Format : delete [TASK_NUMBER][Space][TASK_NUMBER]..
Example: delete 2 4

Expected outcome:

Clear all tasks

Consuela allows you to clear and empty your list of tasks.

Format : clear
Expected outcome:

Upon entering yes,
Outcome: Alrighty, Sir. I have emptied the list.

Expected outcome: outcome8

Upon enter no,
Outcome: Alrighty, Sir. The list remains at it is. outcome9

Exit the program

Consuela allows you to exit the bot.

Format : bye
Outcome: Bye bye, Master! Please come back soon!
Expected outcome:


Consuela would like to thank Chester Sim for his help.